鸟巢 niǎocháo [nest] 鸟儿为了保存蛋、孵蛋并抚育小鸟而做的住处 鸟道 niǎodào [dangerously narrow hill path] 只有鸟才能飞越的路,比喻狭窄陡峻的山间小道 鸟粪 niǎofèn (1) [mute;birds" droppings]∶鸟的排泄物 (2) [guano]∶存在于海鸟聚集的海岸和海岛上的一种物质,主要由部分风化的海鸟排泄物组成 鸟机 niǎojī [fowling(birding) piece] 鸟嘴铳,古代用来作战的一种火器 鸟机千张。——清·邵长蘅《青门剩稿》 鸟尽弓藏 niǎojìn-gōngcáng [cast sb.aside when be has served his purpose;kick sb. out after his services are no longer required,as the bow and arrow are stacked away when there are no more birds to shoot] 鸟打完了,就把弓收藏起来。比喻天下既定或大功告成之后,就把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开 鸟瞰 niǎokàn [get a bird’s-eye view] 从高处往下看 鸟瞰全城 鸟瞰 niǎokàn (1) [bird’s-eye view]∶为地形测量或城市规划工作所拍摄的倾斜航空照片 (2) [general survey of a subject]∶事物的概括描写 鸟笼 niǎolóng [birdcage] 养鸟的笼子 鸟枪 niǎoqiāng (1) [fowling piece]∶一种火枪,一般用来打鸟 (2) [air gun]∶气枪 鸟枪换炮 niǎoqiāng-huànpào [fowling piece has been replaced by artillery piece] 比喻条件变好了,特指换了新的设备 人家都盼着更新方案上马,好像鸟枪换炮 鸟兽 niǎoshòu [birds and beasts] 飞禽和走兽的统称 器皿人物,以至鸟兽木石。——明·魏学洢《核舟记》 鸟兽散 niǎoshòusàn [(of human beings) scatter like birds and animals] 指一群人像鸟兽一样突然四处散去(贬义) 鸟语花香 niǎoyǔ-huāxiāng [birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance-characterizing a fine spring day] 鸟儿叫,花儿飘香,形容春天的令人陶醉的景致。也说“花香鸟语”