愁肠 chóucháng [pent-up feelings of sadness] 愁苦的心情;郁结愁闷的心绪 愁肠百结 愁肠百结 chóucháng-bǎijié [weighed down with anxiety;it is as if the worries were tied in knots to one another] 忧愁的心肠绕成了 一百个结。形容焦躁、痛苦、忧伤之极 愁肠寸断 chóucháng-cùnduàn [the sorrow is so deep that it seems to have cut the bowels to pieces] 忧愁的心肠断成了一寸一寸的。形容极其焦虑而痛苦,难以言状 愁苦 chóukǔ [anxiety] 忧虑痛苦 愁虑 chóulǜ [worried] 忧虑;发愁 收入多了,他再也不为生活而愁虑了 愁眉 chóuméi [knitted brows] 发愁时皱着的眉头 愁眉不展 愁眉不展 chóuméi-bùzhǎn [morose] 展,舒展。由于忧愁双眉紧锁。形容心事重重的样子 愁眉不展,心事重重 愁眉苦脸 chóuméi-kǔliǎn [furrow] 愁苦的样子。形容人忧愁苦恼 成老爹气的愁眉苦脸,只得自己走出去,回那几个乡下人去了。——《儒林外史》 愁闷 chóumèn [feel gloomy] 忧愁苦闷;忧虑烦闷 愁容 chóuróng [worried look] 忧心发愁的样子;忧愁的表情 愁容满面 愁绪 chóuxù [gloomy mood] 忧愁的思绪;忧虑发愁的心情 愁绪满腹 愁郁 chóuyù [melancholy] 忧郁 她听了这个消息,愁郁的脸上露出一丝笑容 愁云 chóuyún [gloomy countenance] 云气阴霾暗淡,比喻忧虑郁闷的神情或凄凉的情景 愁云满面 愁云惨淡 chóuyún-cǎndàn [miserable and gloomy atmosphere] 极言发愁、郁闷而凄凉悲惨的情景 瀚海阑干百尺冰,愁云惨淡万里凝。——岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》