贪杯 tānbēi [be too fond of drink;be a wine bibber] 嗜饮酒;爱喝酒而不控制限度 贪杯误事 贪鄙 tānbǐ [avaricious and mean] 贪婪卑鄙 贪财 tāncái [be greedy for money] 贪爱金钱财物 贪财好色 tāncái-hàosè [mercenary and sensual] 贪图钱财,好近女色 贪财慕势 tāncái-mùshì [mercenary and admiring power] 贪好钱财,仰慕权贵 贪得无厌 tāndé-wúyàn [have insatiable greed;be insatiably avaricious] 不知足 贪多嚼不烂 tān duō jiáo bu làn [Have too much on one"s plate;bite off more than one can chew] 比喻做事贪多,超过自己的负担能力,因而就做不好 贪多务得 tānduō-wùdé [insatiable covetousness] 指求多而志在必得 贪得务得,细大不捐。——韩愈《进学解》 贪官 tānguān [corrupt officials] 贪赃枉法的官吏 贪官污吏 贪官污吏 tānguān-wūlì [corrupt officials] 旧称贪财纳贿的官吏 贪狠 tānhěn [rapacious and malevolent] 贪婪狠毒 贪狠的野心家 贪婪 tānlán [greedy;avaricious;rapacious] 对财物、钱等充满非同寻常的强烈欲望 贪婪的目光 贪恋 tānliàn [hate to leave;be reluctant to part with;cling to] 深深依恋或留恋 贪恋西湖景色 贪墨 tānmò [corruption]贪图财利 贪以败官为墨。——《左传·昭公十四年》 贪便宜 tān piányi [anxious to get things on the cheap;be keen on gaining petty advantage] 渴望便宜地得到一些东西 贪求 tānqiú [be avid of;be avid for] 过分追求 贪求权力 贪求无厌 tānqiú-wúyàn [greedy without stop] 贪婪求得,永无厌足止息 贪荣慕利 tānróng-mùlì [coveting glory and wealth] 贪求荣誉,慕财图利 贪色 tānsè [given to lust;lust after a woman] 贪恋女色。贪好美色;好色 贪生怕死 tānshēng-pàsǐ [cravenly cling to life instead of braving death;care for nothing but saving one"s skin;be mortally afraid of death] 一味自爱生命,惧怕死亡。原指士兵作战因怕死而退缩不前。现在已逐渐产生新义,即凡是在工作中怕脏、怕累、怕危险等等,皆属此列 贪天之功 tāntiānzhīgōng [arrogate to oneself the merits of others; credit the achievements of other oneself] 把天然所成之功归为自己所有。泛指把集体或他人的功劳都记在自己的名下 贪图 tāntú [covet;prefer to;seek;hanker after] 极力希望得到 贪图小利 贪图安逸 tāntú ānyì [sesire for an easy life;love of pleasure and a comfortable life] 追求个人享受的 不顾来世好坏而贪图安逸的、无宗教信仰的寻欢作乐的社会 贪玩,贪玩儿 tānwán,tānwánr [be fond of play] 爱玩;心中总想玩耍 别贪玩,早点睡觉 贪污 tānwū [corruption;graft] 利用职权非法取得钱财 贪小失大 tānxiǎo-shīdà [convet a little and lose a lot;seek small gains but incur big losses] 贪求小利而失却大利 贪心 tānxīn (1) [greed;avarice;rapacity]∶贪得的欲望 (2) [greedy;avaricious;insatiable]∶不知足 贪心不足 tānxīn-bùzú [be insatiably greedy] 贪求之心极重,没有厌足之时 汝贪心不足!既得吴郡,而又强并吾界!今日特与严氏雪仇!——《三国演义》 贪欲 tānyù [greed;avarice;rapacity] 无休止地求取 贪赃 tānzāng [take bribes;practise graft] 旧指官吏受贿 他由于贪赃而入狱 贪占 tānzhàn [graft] 非法占有 他们大量贪占教育经费 贪嘴 tānzuǐ [be greedy for food; gluttonous] 贪吃