熬出头 āochūtóu [endure the sufferings until the hardship is gone] 忍耐支撑到了情况好转的时候 解放了,穷人总算熬出头了 熬不过 áobuguò [cannot bear anymore;to be unable to sustain;to be unable endure] 不能忍耐支持到一定时间 熬更守夜 áogēng-shǒuyè [not to sleep the whole night] 出于某种需要而彻夜不眠 熬煎 áojiān (1) [endure through dark days;suffering;torture] 比喻忧愁与苦难折磨 受尽熬煎 (2) 也说煎熬 熬夜 áoyè [be up late into the night;do not go to bed at night;stay up late] 到深夜还不睡或一夜不睡 他们白天全有工作,要他熬夜,是不合情理的。——鲁迅《社戏》