睹景伤情 dǔjǐng-shāngqíng [see a familiar scene that fills one with infinite melancholy;the article left by the departed reminds one of its owner] 看到周围的景象,有所感触而引起伤感之情 睹微知著 dǔwēi-zhīzhù [see the hint,see the trend] 见到一点苗头,就知道其发展的趋势 仆虽不敏,又素不能原始见终,睹微知著,窃度主人之心,岂谓三子宜死,罚当刑中哉?—《三国志》 睹物伤情 dǔwù-shāngqíng [The sight of familiar objects fills one with infinite melancholy] 见到有关故人的东西,便想起它的主人而伤感。形容怀念之深切 今虽年久,尚然记忆,睹物伤情,不觉哀泣。——明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》 睹物思人 dǔwù-sīrén [look at the thing and think of the person the article left by the departed reminds one of its owner] 看到东西即想起与物有联系的人。常用于对死者或离去的人的追思