瞒哄 mánhǒng [deceive;hoodwink;pool the wool over sb."s eyes] 隐瞒欺骗 当我们年轻的时候,我们很容易被瞒哄 瞒上欺下 mánshàng-qīxià [deceive those over and bully those below] 瞒哄上级,欺压下属和人民 瞒天大谎 mántiān-dàhuǎng [monstrous lie] [谑语]∶天大的谎话 瞒天过海 mántiān-guòhǎi [cross the sea under camouflage;deceive as one who cheats boldly and cleverly;very clear and daring in deceiving others] 比喻采取欺骗手段,暗中进行活动 瞒心昧己 mánxīn-mèijǐ [do evil against one"s conscience;blot out one"s conscience and deceive oneself] 昧着自己的良心干坏事