陪拜 péibài [memorial cermony with others] 陪同他人行祭拜之礼 陪伴 péibàn [accompany] 随同做伴 陪绑 péibǎng [be taken to be executed with other prisoners only for intimidation] 旧时处决犯人时,把重罪的犯人、暂缓执行死刑的犯人和即将处决的犯人一起绑赴刑场,借以逼出口供或迫使投降 陪衬 péichèn (1) [serve as a contrast or foil;setoff]∶衬托;使之更加突出 (2) [foil]∶陪衬主要事物的其他事物 陪床 péichuáng [act as an accompany to a hospitalized patient] 陪伴照料住院的病人 陪吊 péidiào [mourning attendant] 旧时丧家开吊时设专人招待来客 陪都 péidū [alternate capital] 旧时在首都以外另设的首都 陪房 péifáng [maids that accompanied the bride to her husband’s house] 旧时指随嫁的女仆 陪护 péihù [accompany and attend to] 陪伴护理病人 陪护 péihù [chaperonage] 监护,仿佛有陪护人般的监护 陪话 péihuà [make a apoloy;apologize to sb.about] 赔不是,道歉 陪祭 péijì [co-preside over a sacrificial rites] 祭礼中陪同主祭人主持仪式 陪嫁 péijià [dowry] [方]∶嫁妆 陪考 péikǎo (1) [assist an examiner]∶辅助,陪同主考人主持考试 (2) [assistant an examiner]∶陪考人 陪客 péikè [a guest invited to a dinner party to help entertain the guest of honour ] 主人特邀来陪伴客人的人;接待客人 陪哭 péikū [hired wailers] 为他人助行哭礼。也称“代哭” 陪审 péishěn [act(serve) as an assessor (in a law case);serve on a jury] 陪审员到法院参加案件审判工作 陪侍 péishì [accompany and serve] 旧时指辈分或地位低的人站在辈分或地位高的人旁边伺候;陪伴服侍 陪送 péisòng [dowry] [口]∶旧俗结婚时娘家送给新娘的嫁妆 陪送 péisòng [go together with sb.; accompany] 陪同离去的人一起走 我有急事,不能陪送你回北京,望你多保重 陪同 péitóng [with] 和…一起;作为…的同伴 陪同他的妻子去戏院 陪笑脸 péi xiàoliǎn [put up a smiling face in order to please another] 以笑脸对人,使人息怒或使人高兴 他在和旁人接触时,已经不自觉地习惯于一种陪笑脸的谦卑表情 陪音 péiyīn [ [oxytone] (希腊语)单词最后音节有锐音或以其为特征的音 陪葬 péizàng (1) [be buried with the dead] (2) 殉葬 (3) 古代指臣子或妻妾的灵柩葬在皇帝或丈夫的坟墓的近旁 陪住 péizhù [look after a patient by staying with him in hospital] 陪伴病人住院